Convert to particular date time format?

In a particular column i have data as “dh!2dh13-09-2019%4ssdg”, so i want to get just 13-09-2019 part from that data and then convert it to yyyy-MMM-dd format?

Hi @Manish540

Use row(“columnname”). ToString.remove(“dh!2dh”,“”). ToString.remove(“%4ssdg”,“”)


Hi @Manish540,

Please use Regex and use like the below -


Hope you find your solution.

Thanks & Regards,

“dh!2dh” these values will be not constant for all columns it will be changing?

It’s coming Regex is not accessible due to its protection level?

Try this one.

Test.xaml (8.8 KB)

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Hi @Manish540,

Check this xaml, it may help you to convert the string to datetime format you have mentioned.
GetDateString.xaml (4.9 KB)

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Hi @Manish540,

Please go to Package Manager and install System.Regex package. After that go to Import pane and import System.Regex.

Now you are ready to go.

Thanks & Regards,

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