Convert Present Month Year(28/04/2023) To Financial Year(202401)

Hi All,

I want Convert Based One Excel Column Month Year(Column B) To In another Excel Column As Financial Year(Column C), You See In The Given Below Example


Based On Column C(Year) Values To Make Column C (Financial Year) As Financial Year Values.

Where Financial Year Starts From April 2023
Ex 27/04/2023 = 202401
18/07/2023 = 202404

How Can I achieve This ?

Thank You!!!


How about the following sample?

CurrentRow("Financialy Year") = DateTime.ParseExact(CurrentRow("Year").ToString,"d/M/yyyy",System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).AddMonths(9).ToString("yyyyMM") (8.7 KB)


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Hi @Yoichi

Thank You!!!
I am Actually Using In This Format of data, Below

And its throwing This We error

Please Kindly Let Me Know!!!


Can you share your input as file? It’s no problem if dummy data.


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Sure @Yoichi

data.xlsx (89.4 KB)

Above One Is the Sample File and Taking Column H (Start) And Financial Year Values In Column R(Calendar Month (Manual))

Thank You!!!

How about the following?

CurrentRow("Calendar Month (Manual)") = CDate(CurrentRow("Start").ToString).AddMonths(9).ToString("yyyyMM")

Sample20231117-1L (2).zip (84.5 KB)


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@Yoichi , That’s Why Your Most Valuable Person(MVP), Its Working !!!

Thank You @Yoichi

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