Convert HTML file to PDF File


I am currently using 2018.4.4 version of UiPath Studio,
I have a process where we download tradelines from various 3 tradeline Websites and upload them on to our internal application,
My Problem is Our Internal Application only take PDF files, Where as 1 of the tradelines only saves in htm format, I tried to save the file directly to .pdf format but the file was not able to open,

Please let me know if anyone have any solutions
Thank you

Once you download the file since you will be knowing the file just downloaded use move file or save file as activity and save it as .pdf

I tried using the Save as format and saved with .pdf format it saves the files Successfully but when i try to open the file from the location it says file Corrupted and could not open file.

maybe you can use Print as PDF from windows printer drivers…

@bcorrea @Anusha_Pedada @Divyashreem
Hello All, I am having same issue. I am using Print to PDF to save file in pdf format. It is saving file in pdf format but many times files are corrupted. Do you find any solution to this issue?

I am also currently using the “Save as PDF” Option, But the problem for me is it is machine dependent, I am saving the setting as Open files before downloading HTML Format and Default the Print Option to save as PDF, all the files are saved in proper format for me and the process is running successfully for 7 days now.

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This settings are being performed on the Chrome Browser settings.

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