Convert Generic Value to Int32

@aksh1yadav We can use regular expression know to take numbers?

its giving blank value.

i have declared output variable as string.

Could you suggest ?

FYR - Suchi_sample.xaml (9.0 KB)


@aksh1yadav : yooo :smile: it works. i was following same code but the mistake was i did not scrap the text properly so it was giving blank value…

Thanks A lot. :slight_smile:

Yeah so better to check if value is coming then fire the next steps :slight_smile:

No, it ends with this error:
Assign : Input string was not in a correct format.

I just worked on this myself and found a solution to that issue. Converting to decimal expects a string as input, but the string value has to be in American currency format : 12,345.67
As opposed to the European currency format : 12.345,67

When your string is in European format, it will give you that error. Change it to American format and all works well.

Can someone help me split this-
1RuleEvaluations542BProcessedBytesProcessedBytes, RuleEvaluations
I just need the ‘1’ the first char of the string. The problem is the value above is of generic type, hence unable to perform split. When i convert to string I get this error-
“Compiler errors encountered processing expression “Value”. Invalid L-value expression. Reference expressions cannot end with conversion. the provided expressions type exactly match the T of VisualBasicReference or Lamda Reference.”

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Hi @Neha2111,

**genericvalue**="1RuleEvaluations542BProcessedBytesProcessedBytes, RuleEvaluations"

strfirstValue -string variable



Thanks it worked. :slightly_smiling_face: