Conversion to CSV has an issue with values

Again this does not work! I formated the excel before doing anything but still in the end when converting to csv it ends up without zeros … :frowning:

If converting to datatable is losing the 0s is because you are converting the field to number again… you have to pick up on the concept here… you need to assign the values as string like this “0001212” and not like this 0001212 or else it will be a numeric column and lose it again…

but if you are doing it right and still can be done, just do not use Write to CSV activity and write the file in a for each row :wink:

@bcorrea Write the file in for each row? Could you please elaborate more on it?

How to do this exactly?

It would be something like this:

@bcorrea So, with append I will add the lines of the table in an empty csv. Correct?

Append will also create the csv if if does not exist, so it can be used to create or to add new lines