Conversion of files

I have .sif extension file in the folder. How i convert the .sif file into a text .txt file.

Assist me.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Drag and drop a “Read Text File” activity onto your workflow.
  2. In the properties of the “Read Text File” activity, set the “FileName” property to the path of the .sif file.
  3. Create a string variable called “fileContent” to store the output of the “Read Text File” activity.
  4. Drag and drop a “Write Text File” activity onto your workflow.
  5. In the properties of the “Write Text File” activity, set the “FileName” property to the desired path and name of the .txt file.
  6. Set the “Text” property of the “Write Text File” activity to the value of the “fileContent” variable.

Second method:
Use move activity and move with in folder and change extension.

Hey @Iswarya_P1 ,
You can use this below method to convert .sif to .txt

1.Use Read Text File Activity to read the data from .sif file
2. Store the Output in a Variable
3. Now use “write text file” activity to write the output of the read text file activity to the “.txt” File.

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