Continue on Error but check if Error has occured


I’m using multiple type into or Check App state in an application. I set the Continue on Error property on the whole application on true.

I use a for each row in data Table loop and at the end of every loop i want to move an E-Mail in a specific folder if an error has occured anywhere in the loop. To achieve this I obviously have to check if an error has occured in the loop (even if it has continued).

Is there a way to check if at any point of the loop an error has occured even though I have the Continue on Error property on True?


You can put Continue on Error As False and use try catch inside the for each loop.
This way you can do what you need in catch block and continue the loop still.

Note: If Continue on Error is true the activity will always run whatsoever and there is no reliable method to tell.

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