Connection String for password protected excel File

I have a excel file which is password protected. I need to use it as database.What should be the connection string.

Hi @Shashi123,

Can you be elaborate the scenario a bit?

I have a excel file which is password protected. I need to write a connection string so that I can use excel as database. Help me with the connection string.

Can you show me the screenshot where you struggling? Do you want to open a password protected excel file?

Hi @Shashi123,

Install database package from manage package ‘uipath.database.activities’

  • Add Connect activity from database
  • Click on configuration connection
  • Then choose Connection wizard
  • And select ‘Microsoft ODBC Data Source’ and click ok
  • Select Use connection string radio button
  • Click on build button
  • Choose Machine data source tab
  • Then click new button
  • And select ‘Microsoft Excel Driver(“.xls”,“.xlsx”…)’ then click next button
  • Click finish
  • Given name for the datasource
  • Click select workbook and choose the excel file then click ok
  • Choose the name that added recently from the list
  • And click ok button
  • Now test the connection
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