Connecting To SnowFlake DB From Studio With OKTA Authentication

How to Connect to SnowFlake DB from Studio with OKTA authentication?

Perform the below steps:

Configure the ODBC connection for SnowFlake and use the same DSN in UiPath database activities to connect as recommended below

Part 1: Installing and Setting up Snowflake ODBC

  1. Download and install the Snowflake ODBC Client (32 Bit) from the Snowflake Client Repository
  2. Setup the ODBC System DSN.
    1. Go to ODBC Data Source Administrator (32 Bit)
    2. Go to System DSN tab
    3. Click on Add
    4. Click on Snowflake DSIIDriver.

  1. Add the following parameters:

Data Source: Name of the Snowflake connection

User: Username for Snowflake

Password: Password for Snowflake

Server: Server URL can be picked as follows:


i.e. for e.g if Snowflake link is , the value of Server URL is Kindly ensure to remove the "https://" and the "/" after the .com

Database: Name of the database(Optional)

Schema: Name of Schema (Optional)

Warehouse: Name of Warehouse(Optional)

Role: Your role(Optional)

Tracing (0-6): 0 for No tracing, 4 for Info Tracing, 6 for Detailed Tracing

The configuration dialog will look as follows:


Part 2: Connecting UiPath to Snowflake

  1. Create a new project in UiPath Studio.
  2. Add the following Package: UiPath.Database.Activities
  3. Open the XAML file in editor and add the Connect activity from database package
  4. In the CONNECT activity, click on Configure Connection -> Connection Wizard.
  5. Choose Data Source as Microsoft ODBC Data Source
  1. Configure the SnowFlake DSN
  1. Click on "Refresh". Then select the DSN Created in Snowflake ODBC Driver.
  2. Give username = Snowflake Username and password = Snowflake Password.
  1. Click on Test Connection
  1. Execute a Query and Save the data in a Datatable. The connection should work now.
Read more on the Okta SSO with Snowflake - MS Excel with ODBC .