Connecting Process Mining To GIT Using Keys Instead Of Username And Password

How to connect Process Mining to GIT using keys instead of username and password ?

  1. Create Private and public keys via Git Bash,
  • Open Git Bash
  • Enter ssh-keygen -t rsa

Refer to Generating a New SSH Key And Adding It To The SSH Agent .


  1. Adding a new SSH key to GitHub account,
  • Navigate to .ssh è cd .ssh
  • Type cat to display public key


Refer to the steps mentioned in the guide Adding- A New SSH Key To Your Github Account to add key to GitHub.

  1. Hide passwords

  • In the Repositories text field, use the following value:
Note : Replace the URL with the actual URL you want to use. If the location of your keys differs from step 2, change the values accordingly.


  • Press CTRL+S to save the changes and reload the page to apply them.

  1. Create a App

