Confusing about Unattended Robot license 'Concurrent RunTime'


It would be very useful if it functioned as a “license pool” where the robot, wherever it was started, consumed one of the licenses at the time of startup.

Exemple : A team of 10 front office users sometimes using assistant robots. Currently, they cannot share 5 licenses across all their desktops.

Am I right ?

Thank you

You can handle this by getting Concurrent User Attended robot license and the Orchestrator (because you can only get Concurrent User License with the Orchestrator).
Then you can install Attended Robot on all 10 Front Office users, but they can only use the robot if the license is available.

When you install Attended Robot, you need to install Robot Service as User Mode, so when one of your team member closes Robot Agent (the user interface) one Robot license will free up.
If there is no free license they will get an error looking like this:


Not anymore! :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m new in UiPath.
could I ask for help, is the following possible under one license?
Can I register multiple users on one robot?

I mean one of the two configurations under one license?


Conf 1:
Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 1, run Proces 1,
Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 2, run Proces 2,
Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 3, run Proces 3,

Conf 2:
Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 1, run Process 1,
Machine1, Robot2, Log to domain\user 2, run Proces 2,
Machine1, Robot3, Log to domain\user 3, run Proces 3,

could someone help?
can I configure it like below with 1 licence node-locked?

Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 1, run Proces 1, log to application 1 (SSO)
Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 2, run Proces 2, log to application 2 (SSO)
Machine1, Robot1, Log to domain\user 3, run Proces 3, log to application 3 (SSO)

Hi @Marcin_Grzelak

For MSI installations, the runtimes are consumed per machine at the time you connect that machine to Orchestrator.

Afterwards, you can run the processes on this machine using any user and the single unattended runtime license will allow each process to fire consecutively (not concurrently, because it’s a single runtime).

thanks a lot Maciej


thanks for an interesting discussion and useful results. I want to ask a follow-up question: if I have a single machine with multiple robots, and one license (where according to the above the concurrent runtime will take care of allowing all robots to take their turn using the single license) - will this work with multiple tenants? Or do all these robots need to be defined in a single tenant?

Thank you

I believe this is based on the connection that is made from your machine (robot service) to Orchestrator (i.e. via the machine template key). This means that one machine can indeed support only 1 tenant at a time (robot service cannot be connected to two different tenants at the same time).

However, with Modern Folders, you can have 1 robot serving multiple folders.

we did little bit experience regarding this issue.
we have as follows:

  • one UA license
  • two modern folder (DEP_A, DEP_B)
  • one machine template
  • 2 Robot account with same hostname but difference domain user
  • register hello world process on two modern folder.

we run a process on folder DEP_A and DEP_B. process in the DEP_A is running and DEP_B is pending. once, a process in DEP_A finish, process status in DEP_B automatically change from pending to success.


the process status in DEP_B keep in Pending status pending if the we used difference hostname.

the pending will change the status when we deactivate the license status

the conclusion is

  • the auto provision work automatically in modern folder only work with the same hostname.

this is make me more confuse about runtime definition and impact to business as well.


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