Config best practices- settings vs constants

After considering all feedback here I think I will recommend to keep process configs deployment static for security reasons and adjust our config sheets to the following format:

Orchestrator Assets :
(Generic config values that can be used across multiple projects or which change frequently)

-Global Shared Drive Links
-Privacy sensitive values
-Stake holder email addresses
-Customer External Config File Path (on shared drive)

Local Process Config :
(process specific settings, variables, and constants)

Process Variables:
-Process specific Shared Drive Links
-File Names
-Selectors (excel sheet names, excel read ranges, other hooks)

-Queue name
-Retry, Timeout Interval, Delays
-Debug Level

-Error exception messages

-Orchestrator global asset names

External Config : (configurations to grant to Business Unit)
Limited configuration determined to be within BU control. (ex. customer dependent file names and stake holder email addresses)