Concat Method Query Issue

in for each i am getting values like that


All i need to do is whatever comes from for each i need to concatenate with ‘120.’ + value but after ‘120.’ it has 11 digits. If the length of a value less than 11 digits it should add ‘0’ at the beginning. For example ;


How can i make it with in MSSQL query?? :robot:

I tried the following code but it didn’t work like i want ;

CONCAT(‘120.’, RIGHT(REPLICATE(‘0’, 11) + ‘{{$node[“ForEach”][“json”][“vat”]}}’, 11))

dynamicvalue = {{$node[“ForEach”][“json”][“vat”]}}


Been a long time since I’ve done SQL but you can just do it with expressions which is the preferred method of string manipulation in UiPath.

Assign newValue = "120." + currentItem.PadLeft(8,"0"c)

Then use newValue in your SQL query.

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Thanks but that was not the solution. I have done it with different kinds of method

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