So I have manged to pick up one thing from this form which was the Last Name, anything else just comes out as blank. So I know what im doing is correct, just trying to work out what it is i need to do to makke it pick up the rest of the text.
before diving into defining the fields yourself have you tried different engines like Tesseract OCR (google) and if yes, did you try different scales and options?
If you need to extract the handwriting, you’ll need to use an OCR engine that can detect & extract it, as well as the other texts in the image.
To see what the OCR (and CV) detect, double click on the informative screenshot. All the detected elements & texts are highlighted.
Could you post them, for MS and Google OCR?
And we’ll soon release an update with Google cloud OCR, which will bring visible improvements to text detection, and hopefully to your case as well.
If you can PM me the image I can try it out and let you know if it works