Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression II

Hi All, UiPath Nitwit again,

Im working on a login exersise and creating a variable for the password type SecureString.
But I’ll get an error in the expression Editor
Validation Error Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “@Amstelv1”.
Expressie wordt verwacht. Main.xaml

tried with colines without Coline … any advise?

Hi @Leon_Romans_van_Schaik

Use this syntax:

(New System.Net.NetworkCredential("","give the password here")).SecurePassword

Data Type: System.Security.SecureString

Hope it helps!!

try with " instead with inverted double quotes like “

Hi PPR thxs for the quick solution but i’ll get this:
Error ERROR Validation Error Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “(New System.Net.NetworkCredential(”“,”@Amstelv1")).SecurePassword".
Einde van de expressie wordt verwacht. Main.xaml

Its expecting an end of expression,…

ensure "
also take a note that the second ) is to remove


Same error: Error
ERROR Validation Error Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “(new System.Net.NetworkCredential(”“,”@Amstelv1’')).SecurePassword".
Tekenreeksconstanten moeten eindigen met een dubbel aanhalingsteken. Main.xaml

we spraak not nederlands :slight_smile:

we assume VB.Net is used
refer to above shown working code
do not mix up a double quote by 2 single quotes
outer ( ) not really needed


that was it they where single quotes, tried everythig but didn’t see that…
You’ve helped me big time!
thxs mate!!

kind regards,

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