Compare two rows from an column condition

I need to set the condition to compare two rows from column C from an excel into an IF statement and i dont know how. Please help

if the variable of datatable is obtained as dt, then if condition be like this inside the FOR EACH ROW loop
counter+1 < dt.Rows.Count AND dt.Rows(counter)(“Column C”).ToString.Equals(dt.Rows(counter+1)(“Column C”).ToString)

Where counter is a variable of type int32 with default value as 0
next to this IF condition inside the FOR EACH ROW loop use a assign activity like this
counter = counter + 1

Cheers @Ionut_Frincu

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I already use a for each row to read each column, then to concatenate them into an putty, however I want also to compare the third column as I said in this topic and send an email if the raw from column is modified.