Compare two Different Excel with Different headers

HI Guys,
Im facing a error in comparing the headers. can u find out wat mistake i done. Any suggestion pls

Syntax i used to compare 2 excel file
dt1.Asenmerable.where(Function(x) Cdate(x(“Date”)).Equals(Cdate(dt2(“Follow Date”))).copytodatatable)


If you need to compare value of “Date” and “Follow Date” in same row index b/w two datatable, the following will work

dt1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r,i) Cdate(r("Date")).Equals(Cdate(dt2.Rows(i)("Follow Date")))).copytodatatable


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its not same row its different sheet and different excel

u can see here about the error


I mean “same row index” is as the following image. Is this what you expect?


If yes, the above expression will work.
if not, can you share your specific input and expected output? It’s no problem if dummy data.


Both of the indexes are different.


If you want to compare with each data in dt2 then use this expression inside for each datatable and loop dt2

now the formula would be

dt1.Asenmerable.where(Function(x) Cdate(x(“Date”)).Equals(Cdate(Currentrow(“Follow Date”)))).copytodatatable

This will give you rows matched in dt with the provided date in dt2

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If you want to extract rows of dt1 which has same value in “Follow date” of dt2, the following will work.

dt1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) dt2.AsEnumerable.Any(Function(r2)  Cdate(r("Date")).Equals(Cdate(r2("Follow Date"))))).copytodatatable  

If the above doesn’t work, can you share specific input and expected output?


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you can use the Vlook up activity to matches the data

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Tqs Anil I got it

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