Compare two datatables with LINQ Querrys

Hello, I’m having some challenge doing some comparsions.

I Have two Huge Datatables and I need to compare some itens in it, but there some rules:

If item in Column 1 A is Equal to the same item in Column 1 B, check if item in Column 2 A is Different of the item in Column 2 B and add a new row pointing the divergence.

If Item in Column 1 A is Equal to the same item Column 1 B and the item in Column 2 A is Equal to the item Column 2 B, check if the item of Column 3 A is different from the item in Column 3 B and add a new row pointing the divergence.

And so on…

I’m trying to do it with a Join Linq Querrys, but I’m having trouble when it comes to compare what is Not Equals.
Is it possible to solve this?

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I suggest it’ll be better if you use a macro to do operations on heavy datatables.

The logic would also be simple to apply in there.

Just wrote to a temp excel file ans run the macro for the required conditioning.

what u meean by adding a row pointing divergence in both cases?

I need o create a report with the itens that are diferente and write in a new row by it’s side that they are differente.

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