First excel have 2 columns with GSTNo and invoiceNo.
Second Excel have 2 columns GSTNo and invoiceNo.
Now i want to pick GSTNo from first excel and have to search in excel 2,if GSTNo matches i want to read the corresponding invoiceNo from excel 2 and update in excel1 as record macth.
my idea is
i stored my excel1 to one datatable as -DT1, and second excel2 to - DT2
i taken for each loop activity for both DT1 and DT2(two for loop one below another),and i am checking if gst is present in DT2 are not.
yes buddy that would work… @rag
But i would like suggest one more option we have like lookup datatable activity, kindly find the below steps that be would be a add on and you can make use of it you want buddy
store them in DT1 and DT2 as you did earlier
Use a for each row loop with DT1 as input
use a look up datatable activity with these properties (14.0 KB)