I want to filter and compare two data tables in different excel files, then merge them. I have two Excel Files.
The first file (NumberOfReference.xlsx)
The second file (StatusAndReference.xls)
I want to use Read Range Activity from UiPath to find a match between these two Excel Files. Read Range can read .xlsx. However, When I use Read Range, it can only read the first excel file. Not the second file as it is in .xls
The workaround that I tried :
Use Read Range and Write Range. But, Write Range will work if .xls files already exist. In my case, UiPath cannot find .xls
The primary objective here is that I want to compare this two Excel File and find a match of a number if it exists. I am unable to do so because of Excel different file type.
Appreciate if any of you could help me.
Thanks in advance.