Compare excel sheet


  1. Read the data from both excels into dt1 and dt2
  2. Add new column to both datatables may be name them combined name
  3. Use invoke code activity and assign values to that new column.dt1 can be added as argument in invoke code with direction as in/out dt1.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(Sub(x) x("NewCol") = String.Join(“,”, System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(x("Model_Name").ToString.ToLower, “\W”).Where(Function(y) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(y)).OrderBy(Function(y) y))) .Repeat the same for dt2
  4. Now use join activity and do a full join on both the datatables on the newcolumn created
  5. Now filter dt1 related columns to get the mismatched detaisl from dt2 and viceversa

From step 4 I did keep screenshots as well in the below post
