I need to do operation on dates based on formats
but when i have problem with these types of dates , uipath returns true for both the formats - i need only MM/dd/yyyy format
but in this case 09/06/2018 is in dd/MM/yyyy formats , still tryParse works for both
No i have some calculations based on date formats , and i need to find dates which are in dd/MM/yyyy format
but for the above sample both MM/dd/yyyy and dd/MM/yyyy gives yes
for the above example the reason is 09 and 06 comes both in month and date
Only when the number goes beyond 12 bot will look that as date not month because we have only 12 months
If the date value is
12/24/2018 and if you have format as MM/dd/yyyy in try parse it will give true
If it is like 14/24/2018 then it will throw error as there is 14 month
If you want to do for this then as a part of standardisation the month has to be kept either with three characters like Feb or full like February
Yeah i understood how it works , but the issue in my case is if date is of “dd/MM/yyyy” format it should throw exception
i am using tryparse and in dateformat defining “MM/dd/yyyy” and here this particular date is in “dd/MM/yyyy” still passing that parse condition
And dateformat is not constant in the excel, do u know any better for this issue
To make the Column Detection in Excel Dynamic, I have used read range to Identify the Position of the Column Index and then convert the Index to Excel Column Letter.
But if the Position is known beforehand, we could use it directly by passing the value in Invoke VBA. This can eliminate the use of Read Range inside Excel Scope.
The Last Read Range is used just to view the Changed date formats and how to convert the values to a DateTime and use it’s String format.