Compare 2 column values, if both the values are equal, paste that value in third column, if there is a minimum value, paste the min value in third column

  1. There are 2 columns
  2. Compare both the columns, if both values are equal, paste it in third column
  3. If any value is lesser, paste the minimum value in third column

Note: Values are numeric. Attaching the file for reference
Compare_SampleFile.xlsx (9.8 KB)


For Each row As DataRow In dt1.AsEnumerable
If CInt(row(0).ToString).Equals(CInt(row(1).ToString)) Then
If CInt(row(0).ToString)<(CInt(row(1).ToString)) Then
End If
End If

use this in invoke code	activity

there should not be any empty values in a row


there are rows where some columns are empty. what do i do in that case?

Hii @ayushi_jain3

Use this Linq Query

DT1.Asenumerable.Intersect(DT2.Asenumerable,system.DataRowComparer.Default) .CopyToDataTable


Hey @ayushi_jain3 ,

I have replicated your use case and below is the xaml file for your reference
Compare (11.3 KB)

below is the output screenshot

Below is the linq

(From row In dt.AsEnumerable
Let column1Value = If(row("Column1") IsNot DBNull.Value AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row("Column1").ToString), CInt(row("Column1")), 0)
Let column2Value = If(row("Column2") IsNot DBNull.Value AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(row("Column2").ToString), CInt(row("Column2")), 0)
Let a = Math.Min(column1Value, column2Value)
Select dt.Clone.Rows.Add(column1Value.ToString, column2Value.ToString, a.ToString)).CopyToDataTable

Hope it helps you out!

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column 12 and 13 are returning 0, whereas it should return the value 2 & 83 respectively. Could you please modify the query?

Based on your original post it looks like the solution above meets your criteria, were you wanting to count 0 as null?


For Each row As DataRow In dt1.AsEnumerable
Dim value1 As String = row(0).ToString()
Dim value2 As String = row(1).ToString()

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(value1) And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value2) Then
    row(2) = value2
ElseIf Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value1) And String.IsNullOrEmpty(value2) Then
    row(2) = value1
ElseIf Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value1) And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value2) Then
    If CInt(value1) = CInt(value2) Then
        row(2) = "equal"
    ElseIf CInt(value1) < CInt(value2) Then
        row(2) = value1
        row(2) = value2
    End If
    row(2) = "Both Empty or Null"
End If


hope this helps

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