Como convertir multiples extensiones a PDF (Pido Ayuda)

Hello friends, I have a query, I have a folder in which a file will be downloaded, this file can be .PDF .DOCX .MSG .JPG .TIF and I need to convert them all to .PDF, can you give me any ideas or recommendations? greetings and thank you very much.


Check below for your reference

Hope this may help you


thanks converting it to word is not so much the problem, I have more doubts with the other extensions.

Hi @IOrlando !

From .msg to pdf, here may be a clue, and from .jpg to pdf, this might help
I don’t know what is .tir extension, may you tell us ? :smiley:

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Thank you very much and sorry for my mistake the format is .TIF not .TIR

Great then the second link should also work for you !!

Do you require any additional charges? since our client does not want to incur additional expenses.

Both of them are free to download and use.
Beware of the UiPath Compatibility: you need to check if it works with your client UiPath Studio version

@IOrlando - I have developed a workflow using UiAutomation which takes .docx, .xlsx, .msg , .ppt and .html files to PDF

image …

Idea is simple…whatever the keystrokes you use to print these files manually or the steps you follow , which I have captured and used it…

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using 2020.10.6

For the 1st link sent the compatibility is Studio 2018.1.3, but looks like the package was updated yesterday so I don’t know if it will work. So you should try it with random data to see if it works with a 2020.10.6.
For the 2nd link it is compatible with 2020.10.6

Hello good friend, could you explain your idea a little better? I want to understand it.

@IOrlando - Sure my friend…Please take a look at the sample which converts the .msg files to pdf… (225.6 KB)

Drop few .msg files in the Files Folder…and run this workflow(You have adjust the filepath) and see if it works for you.

Note: I have used modern design experience in this workflow…ex: instead of sendhotkeys i have used Keyboardshortcuts…

Do you require any additional charges? since our client does not want to incur additional expenses.

@IOrlando - There is no additional expenses …because it’s all using in built packages … Please take a look at the video sample…

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it’s too advanced for me to replicate it :frowning:

hi, I am placing the path “D: \ jpg” this is the folder where the jpg file that I want to convert to pdf is located and the error appears.

ImagesToPDFConverter: the format of the given path is not supported

Hi, try to remove spaces in your path

Hi, I’m not using spaces in the path, do you think it could be something else?

Its just UiAutomation which follows all the steps which we do…

Please share the screenshot by showing the property of the activity?