Hello. I have 3 workflows that I want to deploy on different target machines thru orchestrator and use with UI Assistant in each machine separately. When I connect my orchestrator email to UiPath assistant in the target machine it automatically detects the workflows in the orchestrator.
so my first question is: in how many different target machines I can run a workflow from through one orchestrator in community version? like can I run the same bot from 20 different laptops?
my second question is: an AI app told me that UiPath community version has 120 hour per month use limit in community version which i havent been able to find out about online? is it true? if not, is there another limitation like this?
Thank you in advance.
If a process is deployed to orchestrator and you have 3 robots (machines) connected to the same orchestrator-tenant configuration - that process will be available in the UiPath assistant of all the robot machines. Assistant is connected to orchestrator and there wont be any behaviour change based on the robot / machine
In your case - You have deployed 3 process. So all the three process will be available in assistant for you to run. At a time - If the process is foreground - you can run only one process at a time from one machine
Now if you want to run the process from 20 different machine at the same time - You can run as long as you have 20 unattended license. If this is a transaction based process - you need to design for multi bot architecture to avoid duplicate processing
To your second question - there is no limit for the community version except for few AI components which will be enabled for 60 days only
This particular limitation I am not familiar with, but there is some pretty easy to understand language in the EULA about how its only for non-commercial and learning purposes. This I think it widely broken by alot of people, but basically the scale you are talking about very strong suggests commerical usage, you need to look into purchasing one of the licencing plans as I don’t think Community is fit for your usage.