Hey @pvenkata
Go to below link and fill up the details. it will be renewed.
Uipath Community Edition License Renewal
Thank You Aksh1yadav
Hi @pvenkata,
How many times a community edition can be renewed?
I just renewed mine last week.
Thank you.
Hi @Praruna
Infinite amount of times.
@loginerror thanks mate.
Hi @aksh1yadav I have followed this link and given instructions but I am still facing the issue.
Hi @NajeebUllah
You need to actually fill in the form that the link opens and put in there your proper Device ID and email address. It will then reset the status of your license
I have tried many times but we are getting the same error again and again. Please help me out. I have very critical condition.
Hey @NajeebUllah
I just wanna know it looks like you are working with Enterprise Edition Trial?
If is it so then you have to raise a support ticket or talk to sales team to extend your trial license.
if you are using community edition then follow the steps what @loginerror has mentioned.
Thanks. My issue got resolved.
Great to know…!!
Just share your Solution here so might be useful for others
Actually, I was mentioning device id my PC name instead of Device id is given in UiPath Studio when you click on renew the license.
Thanks and Regards