Community edition installed but when start i get start trial when i open 2nd time not getting continue free trial

i installed community edition…when i open first time i get start free trial …then worked…no problem…when i opened it in next day again i got start free trial///not getting continue free trial…thanks in advance

same here for me. Can someone suggest how to overcome this issue. As everytime i login, i have to download all the packages again and again.

@venk can you try to renew your community edition. then it will work. i tried that yesterday and its working fine now for me

how to do it. can u please tell the steps @abhaygtm

@Usama007 can you describe your issue, please? What Studio version do you have?

can you try to renew your community edition. then it will work.

@ovi @abhaygtm its working fine now… i uninstalled it and deleted all its folders from C drive and downloaded and reinstalled it as an administrator.