Coded Automation is here: Build bots with Real Code in UiPath!

:100: It’s real! From today on you can use “real code” to build bots in UiPath with C#

:grinning: The best of all? If you’re running version 23.4 you already have access to “Coded Automation”.

:gem: It’s part of the 23.4 release, though it has been released as a “hidden feature”.

In the below video I show how to reveal Coded Automation in UiPath and we build your first bot together!

Let me know: what do you think about Coded Automation? Are you planning to use it in your projects?

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This video is private, I can’t see it. Could you share it please?

@Titus_Vandezande I updated the link to the video. You should now be able to view it :wink: . Happy automation!

Nowhere in the video I see steps how to reveal Coded Automation in 23.4 version. So is it there or not?