Cloud Orchestrator - The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable


We are facing a major issue with many jobs failing while trying to retrieve asset\queue our cloud orchestrator in the last few days

The error message is: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable

we checked on our side Network & security, but it’s stable with nothing that has changed on our organization side.

Can anyone here can advise\share if had any issues similar to this ?



Welcome to the forums

It’s better to share the error screenshots, where we might get some more information on the error

As you said it’s a cloud orchestrator, I didn’t face any issues while retriving assests / Queues

If it’s an On-Prem Orchestrator then suggest to look into below issue


Hi, as I said it’s cloud based.
the message comes from the log, which screenshot should help? I will share if can support resolution.
Thank you :slight_smile:

what was the solution?

Please keep updated with UiPath Status page

Apparently, the issue was resolved. At least we are back online