What I’m trying to achieve is to close any open dialogs on the screen during the process. Should the robot encounter an issue, I want to close all the open dialogs and start again from fresh. The problem being I cannot know for sure what dialogs are left open. So I want close any open, leaving the main application running.
I was trying something like:
For each myForm as Form in My.Application.OpenForms
But the Invoke code does not like this. Anybody have an suggestions?
I’ve managed to get the Invoke Code to accept my code but on execution I get the following error
Message: No compiled code to run
error BC30002: Type ‘System.Windows.Forms.Form’ is not defined. At line 1
error BC30002: Type ‘System.Windows.Forms.FormCollection’ is not defined. At line 2
My code reads as follows:
Dim OpenForm As System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim OpenForms As System.Windows.Forms.FormCollection
For Each OpenForm In OpenForms