ClipBoard AI is not working after latest release

ClipBoard AI is not working after latest release 24.2.1 Updation Can anyone help me to sort this issue?

Hi @Lakshmi_Tiliconveli

could you please share exactly what issue you are facing.

please share the error details briefly

There is a brief message “Please wait while windows configures UiPath Clipboard AI”. It seem Windows does something, but Clipboard AI does not become active.

Same here. I’ve had it for about a week. Was loving using it! Then I hit the update button and now it’s gone. It’s installed but not showing up anywhere.

Same here. Any solution for this ?

There is a brief message “Please wait while windows configures UiPath Clipboard AI”. It seem Windows does something, but Clipboard AI does not become active.

Yes, facing same issue after the update.


  • Uninstall and install it is the same issue.
  • Uninstall, cleared %Temp% and installed, still the same.
  • Installed using Admin rights, still same issue.
  • Uninstalled using admin rights, clear %Tems% and installed, still same.

Issue Version:

  • Version for Clipboard AI- 24.2.1
  • Version for - UiPath Studio 2024.4.0 beta (Community edition)

Yeah, same here, Uninstalling and Reinstalling as admin rights, it didn’t help.

Previous version was working until the update. Surprisingly, my colleague did a new install (never installed before) and it works flawlessly.

Please find the solution to resolve this issue (empty the .updates folder)

Step 1- Open task manager> navigate to Details tab> make sure UiPath Clipboard AI is not running.

Step 2 - Open file explorer and Navigate to AppData>Roaming>UiPath Clipboard AI>.updates>

Step 3 - Delete the “UiPathClipboardAI_X_X_0_confirmed”

[you will see a file “UiPathClipboardAI_24_4_0_confirmed”, delete this file.]

Step 4- Run the app from the desktop, The app will successfully run after this.

This issue is now resolved by deleting this file in above path.

Let me know if this helps.
Cheers :slight_smile: