Client Security Hash Evalution Failed

No issues in my local machine, but when i tried to upload in the academy, evaluation is failed.

Any suggestions

hi @rathrolla

  1. Am using same email id for both acme and uipath
  2. i have result in acme, showing failed with some validation code. Is there any possibility to find out error code so that i can go back to workflow and fix it.

Currently, workflow is runnig end to end successfully without throwing any error, if we have any error code then we can workout on it accordingly.

Kindly suggest, Thanks again :slight_smile:

you can debug and see if the robot are missing something

How did you get no spaces
I am getting spaces on my workflow
Please help me to clear that

ClientID+“-”+ClientName.TrimStart+“-”+ClientCountry.TrimStart use this instead of ClientID+“-”+ClientName+“-”+ClientCountry then the spaces will be removed