Clicking on the expand image based on a particular keyword

I want to expand the below shown elements where a keyword “Account” is present in that line and I want to extract the dates from the child lines where “SA - Elec” is present.
Please someone help me with the effective approach to do this.
Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Note: Below is the screenshot taken after expanding them manually…


Can someone help on this scenario.

Hi @Harsha_Vemula

I want to know that in your example, what is the correct result?
“01-15-2022 - 02-28-2022” right?
It looks like that there are three “Account”, and each child line is different date.

Usually, If there are more than one same texts on the page,
you can get selector structure of the whole tree, and get the newest in order.

Yes, my result should be “02-28-2022” as it is the most recent date.

But how to read the line which is the child of “Account” which contains “SA - Elec” which is the child of “Account”?
If I use Find Children Activity, it is giving only the visible texts as output. So, If I can read the child lines, then I can simply get the latest date.

@Harsha_Vemula , Based on the Image provided, It look like the Recent most date will always be in the First Dropdown.

Are the Dropdowns ordered already in such a Fashion ?

If you can confirm this for Different Scenarios, we should be able to make the Extraction easier by just Selecting the Account Dropdown and Sub Dropdown from that and Extract it’s value.

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Hi @Harsha_Vemula

Maybe you can use Find Children Activity to get the first element of “Account”,
and click the element then the element of “SA - Elec” will be displayed.
Use Find Children Activity once again to get the next child line in the same way so that get the target line.

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