Clicking on a particular partition from an object explorer

Hi All
In my project I have a database in a remote desktop. So first i have to access the remote desktop from UiPath and then using the database.

In the database i have to right click on a specific partition from an object explorer as you can see below. So my question is how to navigate to the specific partition from top to down.


Hi @kkpatel

Use wnd run with send hot key and connect rdc and then use start process to launch SQL server and then use click activity inside the Citrix


Thanks @AshwinS2 !! Actually the above steps as you mentioned I have already implemented. Now how do i navigate from one layer to the other and click on a specific partition. As you can see the partitions are identifiable by the year and month at the end of the name.
Let say i have to open the database and right click on the partition QUOTE_ENTERPRISE_MONTHLY_201503.

Hi @kkpatel

Check the selector with uiexplorer for the database with that use element exists and use click activity


@kkpatel Maybe I guess you also need to check if the List items are expanded or Collapsed :sweat_smile: