Good day. I would like to ask a question about clicking a value from a table with multiple same value from a table. Just assume that the screenshot below is a clickable table from the application that I’m currently working right now (I can’t screenshot the actual table since there are confidential details).
What I want is to chose the top-most “Transmitted” value from the table since it is the latest one. The question is that since I’m using Click activity, will it only click the very first occurrence of Transmitted value and also if I use the Element Exist activity, will it only see the very first occurrence of the said value? Thank you.
Could you elaborate your query then we will get better understanding. If any value matches then we have to click on the Transmitted or what. Explain much clearly all the process.
What you would want to do is use Find Children to get an array of all the matching elements. Say you name it elementArray. Then you can use elementArray.First in the input element property of the Click activity to click the first one. You could also use elementArray(3) to click the 4th one (0 based index, so index 3 is the 4th). You could also use elementArray.Last to click the last one.
Hello. Yes you’re right. I’m using the Element Exist activity first to check if the Transmitted value exist then if it’s true, then I’m clicking the top-most Transmitted since it’s the latest one.
Yes you’re right. I’ve omitted the idx on my Element Exist and Click activity to check for Transmitted value and based on my testing, it will always click the top-most Transmitted value.
Let’s say that I get all the matching elements and stored it in an elementArray, how can I use the stored elements/values in getting the first occurrence of the value that I want by using Click activity?
You put elementArray.First into the Input Element property of the Click activity. You don’t do the “indicate element” part. The Target property should stay set to null.