Click on Button which is next to specific text

I want to click on specific data , as well im scrapping this data . So here are steps im following,
Step 1) Scrap data
Step 2) click on Get link button

But I’m stucked how i can click on specific button. To explain more i have attached a screen shot.

@apurvalost use anchor base like find element and click activity to click on get link button

but this is not image do you think this will work?

@apurvalost yes try once let me know if any thing goes wrong

Also you can make dynamic selector to click on a button of a specific row.

@Anmol_Yadav I 'm not sure we can make dyanmic selector but if you want xml/html file let me know i can share some raw data for same


Please clarify me you want to extract that link too or just want to click that.

In data scrape there will be an option of extract URL if you want to extract.


Okay @apurvalost. Share it.

@apurvalost- Did u get any output for this? I need the solution for the same, can u suggest anything

Hi shailesh I dont have a code for same but as far as i remember data scrapping was not a good choice so i create an raw excel file using automation and later process same excel file as well to click you can use ocr click / image click it works or anchor base depeding on your senario