Click OCR Text in Background

I’ve been trying to productionise a task and want to run it in session 0. I have it working. However i note that every time an action of click ocr text, the process fails. The process works fine when monitored (ie running in a logged on session).

Click OCR Text is not background automation. It requires an UI Session.
You won’t be able to run it in session 0.

i have a process that is triggered by a workflow interactive session. will this not work either?

Session 0 is not interactive.

Therefore you’ll need some credentials to make it running (open an interactive session)

  • run it in context of the current user
  • run it from Orchestrator

Yep this is all set the issue is that the process fails at click OCR text.

@thuylam What exactly happens? Robot goes to next step or throwing error at that point?

have moved all my program to run in native instead of click ocr. uipath will need to address this at some point in time.