Click is taking too long time

Hi Team,

I built my process in which i have click activity under for each activity . First iteration in foreach is reasonably fine but from second iteration it is too slow.

I have already checked waitToReady property to NONE.


As long as once element is available it will click (or do one thing cross check your selector )

@KavithaManohar, please use Element Exists activity in a Do While Loop.
and keep a delay of 2 seconds. once element exists is available then you loop should exist.
keep the loop until element exists and make sure if the same element exists after 3 seconds then use click activity in side the loop.

Hope my inputs are useful.


I guess issue with Selector only. May be for next element the Selector is changing.

You have to make dynamic Select by passing variable into it or use wild card entry like “*”.

Sure will try this,Thank u