Click Activity Aleternate

Hi Team,

I am trying to click a ‘Save’ button which used to save a word doc. Sometime bot unable to click the Save button using click activity. Tried with and without Simulate click options.
Any alternate or better solution available to make this work?

Try using click Image ?

Thanks & Regards,
Nived N


are you using classic or moder desing? did you try with both of them?


If the button supports keyboard shortcuts you might trye that.
If it has a tab index you can navigate by pressing tab an x number of times untill it i highlighted then pres space or enter.
Click on it visually, meaning do not click the button, but click the screen on relevant coordinates or by inage recognition.

These all are usually very less-stable options.

What surprises me more is that you state that the button ‘sometimes’ is unclickable… Buttons don;t decide to work or not in computerland, so there is something else behind it.

Try setting the selector target settings of the button to 'WaitForReady.COMPLETE
and/or nest the click in some sort of retry construction to try multiple times if the 1st one fails.

Also a delaybefore of a second or 2 can sometmes help if your bot is acting faster than your GUI can handle.

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