Clic on a checkbox in a Dynamic Dadatable row

Hi !
I have an issue with Web UI Automation.

I would like clic in the checkbox in a variable row.
Here, I would like clic on the checkbox of LEA row (the second one), but the name is a variable and it can be the third (or fourth, fifth etc…) line so I have to check the name in the row and clic on the checkbox.


Thank you very much for your help !

Hi @jeremy_le_helloco,

you could try either of he 2 options below

Option 1:
Reach the entire table and find the row index of the name you are looking for. Then use this index to click checkbox.

Option 2:
Directly create a selector where you click on the Checkbox and provide the name as anchor.

you can use anchor base for this

in the find element activity , edit the selector and add the “aaname” as the variable containing names from that table


@B_H_Akshatha_Pai @Sharath_HK
Thank you so much