Hi. i am new to UiPath and i require assistance in UiPath i have been trying to make a automation that will keep pressing the delete button(trash can icon) seen on the right side of the image until it detects that the delete button cannot be pressed anymore and then will give a msg box notifying that the process is complete. However, i am new to UiPath and thus, i am not sure as to how to proceed in creating this automation.
Hi @Noblebean478 ,
Welcome to the Community!
Please try to find a selector which can uniquely identify this button, once you get it, use and idx element in it and give it’s value to one.
I’m hoping that whenever you delete one row, it would be refreshing the page.
Use an element exists/ Check App State to find whether it is able to find the delete button with idx=1 again and again inside a do while loop.
inside the Check app state if the bot is able to find the delete icon, use a click activity in target appears section.
if target doesn’t appears break the loop.
use a wait to appear time of 15 seconds or something, depending how fast/ slow this page loads
Happy Automation
Hi. i appreciate your help. however, i tried to do what you said but i am unable to find some of the inputs that you speak of. if it doesn’t inconvenience you could you show me an example of this code.
IF it’s a public URL, or if you can find something of same sorts, do let me know, might construct a workflow and share.
Yes it is a public URL i am trying to use it to practice UiPath DEMOQA
try this approach
for this i have used amazon shopping site by adding some random to cart and delete till it gets cleared
DoWhile.xaml (15.9 KB)
One variable - elementexists use in check app state (output) and do while (condition)
you can relate this with your use case
for selector
<html app='msedge.exe' title='Amazon.in Shopping Cart' />
<webctrl tag='INPUT' type='submit' aaname='Delete' idx='1' />
Mostly you should build some thing like this
Hope this helps
Here you can use this workflow:
Deleteall.xaml (20.9 KB)
The Dynamic part in here was the parent-id selector on which you can apply a counter and delete the item.
Happy Automation!!
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