I need your suggestion , in handling below scenario. I need to execute certain commands in Command Prompt on the VM and scrap the data from the command prompt , but the position of the data to be scrapped is dynamic although it will have predefined tag associated with it for instance
name : xyzProcess
flag: 0.
Kindly let me know the best way to handle this situation
Copy all your data from Command prompt and paste it in your local file system(you can use excel/notepad to paste the data.)
Start reading the data as per the position and split the string accordingly if you want to extract some particular line.
You can open Notepad using command prompt using “Start/max notepad.exe” command which will open the notepad and you can copy all text from cmd prompt and paste into the opened notepad(Using Send Hotkeys).
And then,you can use “Get OCR Text” activity to scrape the data by indicating screen on notepad the entire region.
Hope it would help you.