Hi All,
Need confirmation if UiPath studio can be installed and operated using on Chrome OS. We have researched the relevant threads and we came to know that the Chrome OS does not support UiPath. Anyone can confirm if this is correct , appreciate if any alternatives/work around is available?
Welcome to the community
Short answer No …it does not work on chrome os
It supports only on windows platform as of now
There is a studio web which does not need any installtion and is available on cloud and can run on cross platforms (windows,mac and linux)
UiPath have many components like Studio, Orchestrator, Assistant. If you are checking specifically for UiPath Studio desktop version, it don’t support any OS apart from Windows.
Regarding other components which is Orchestrator and Studio web version, these works on browser so there is no OS specific restrictions. You can open/use it on any device with any OS.
Thanks for your reply. Your reply confirms our understanding Chrome OS is not supported.
Appreciate if you can guide if there is any workaround to this:
How can we develop in Chrome OS - using UiPath Studio? Will this be a good idea and full-scale automation possible through this option?
Also, at the time of production deployment, unattended bots will be able to operate on Chrome OS?
Hi @gangadharkulkarni , you may consider this option:
Hello @gangadharkulkarni
I believe that you can go a long way by using UiPath Studio Web and Integration Services.
Products from Google are well integrated with Integration Services, where you could for example interact with mails and files through Gmail or Gdrive.
And all of these systems should be the default for most Chrome OS devices.
So in many cases it might be enough.
But no you can’t install UiPath Studio Desktop on Chrome OS.