Chrome and Citrix Extention

Hello forum,

I am new here and this is also my first post. Please do not slay me right away if I say stupid stuff :slight_smile:

I am in the process of installing UiPathRuntime with Citrix and Chrome Extention for our Citrix environment and I have a problem with Chrome Extention. For the installation I am using the UiPathPlatformInstaller version 2020.10.7, a newer version is not possible due to our environment.

Our environment is without internet connection due to security regulations and I need to add the extention offline. I have tested it with an online enabled VDI and it works there.

Now I have searched the doc and could find this article: Extension for Chrome

However, it refers to the UiPath Studio and I installed the extension via UiPlatformInstaller. So I can’t find the path from the instructions in the ExtensionInstallForceList. Under ProgramData is no subfolder UiPath.

Now my question: How do I get the offline functionality of the Chrome Extention from the installation of the UiPathPlatformInstaller?

Thanks and greetings

Hello @AutomationFanBoy

Welcome to UiPath community.

As per my understanding you need to refer to the folder where you have installed the uipath.

Search in start (uipath)->Right click and open the folder ->it will short the shortcut icon->right click and open the folder.

Inside that folder you can check for the extension as mentioned in the doc.,


For understanding:
Only Citrix Extension and Chrome Extension were installed on the Citrix Terminal Server. For this I have installed from the UiPlatformInstaller only via the tab “Tools” the Citrix Extension and Chrome Extension.

No UiPath Studio is installed on the terminal servers.

Hi @AutomationFanBoy are you installing uipath remote runtime?

if this then , go to advance setting and add the extension for chrom and citrix then install that
image (1)

select Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive

The installation is fine. I can see all binaries inside the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\RemoteRuntime Folder:

My issue is the Chrome Extension. It cant loaded in my environment without internet connections.

The Citrix Extension works. I can see the UiPathRemoteRuntime.exe running.

I need to know how I can offline import the Chrome Extension.