Checkbox State

Well Done @JoeV one step forward :slight_smile:

Still need to work on Country items which encounter 2 issues:

1- Names are duplicated in the list
2- The output is not showing the selected Country.


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Canā€™t get Country, if you manage to do it, you share.

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sure !!!

Hello @JoeV, any good news? :slight_smile:

Hi @hsendel

Select boxes return a Dictionary<String,String> object, in your case {{ā€œMaleā€,ā€œtrueā€},{ā€œFemaleā€,ā€œfalseā€}}. So assign its output to a variable with this type, and iterate through it. Unfortunately for each activity cannot be used for iteration on the Dictionary object, because UIPath does not handle the ā€œitemā€ of for each as KeyValuePair object (and calling the Key or Item property throws a late binding exception). For iteration I used a simple while activity, checked the values for ā€œtrueā€, and with the correct index (Dictionary.Keys(index)) I got the selected string.


I forgot somethingā€¦ You can use for each activity for dictionary object of course, you only have to set TypeArgument correctlyā€¦

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Anyone still looking for a solution could refer below video

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Hi, i know itā€™s a little bit late to ask this question but. How do you check the values that are true, i use Dictionary.Values.Equals("True") but itā€™s not working