Hi there,
This is my first time using the UiPath forums so please let me know if I am asking this question in the right place.
I’m trying to make a workflow that can detect a specific image at a certain position on the screen and then click a button. This image appears multiple times on the page, so I need a way to make the workflow execute only on the condition that that image is at a certain spot.
I am currently using ‘anchor base’ activity that uses a ‘find element’ activity on the left side and a ‘image exists’ activity on the right side with the boolean variable “imgExists” as the output. Then I use an ‘if’ activity with the condition “imgExists = True”, Then click a button. This executes no matter where that image exists on the screen at the moment, which is not what I want. I intended for the anchor base activity to take care of that problem. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance!