Check if date is older than days


I have a loop where I need to check if the date is older than 5 days, so lets say we have today 8.12.2021 so the 3.12.2021 should be the last I process.

If this will be 2.12.2012 then I need to delete this row. How to create this if checking this 5 days?

Another quesion how to delete this row? With Delete Rows activity?

Best Regards


First you can store the value into datetime variable, for that check as below

Now you can use IF condition and compare

Hope this will help you



thanks for replay! I saw that but actually this guy is comparing the dates and I dont know how to do something that date is today - 5 days to get this into variable.


For difference of dates in days, check below post

Hope this will help you


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