Check Duplicate records with specific condition/filter Excel

Excel application Scope
__Read range → Read excel data to a datatable variable (e.g. dtData)
__For each row in dtData
____Filter Data Table with below conditions
______Input DataTable: dtData
______Output DataTable: dtDataCheck
______column (0) = row(“Name”).ToString()
______column (1) = row(“Age”)
______column (2) = row(“SurName”).ToString()
______column (3) = row(“Location”).ToString()
____Assign strComment = “”
____If dtDataCheck.Rows.Count() = 1 → Assign strComment = “ok”
______Assign bolAll111 = True
______Assign bolAllSYD = True
______For each rowCheck in dtDataCheck
________If rowCheck(“Item”).ToString() <> “111” → Assign bolAll111 = False
________If rowCheck(“Location”).ToString() <> “SYD” → Assign bolAllSYD = False
______If bolAll111 AND bolAllSYD → Assign strComment = “Exception Location SYD”
______Else If bolAll111 → Assign strComment = “Exception Same Item Code”
______Else Assign strComment = “Exception Multiple Item”
____Assign row(“Comment”) = strComment

The variable dtData will contain your expected result