Check Chrome responding

Hello friends,
@AshwinS2 , @arivu96, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @Florent_Salendres, @vvaidya, @Palaniyappan, @loginerror, @MAHESH1, @Manjuts90
I’m preparing an automation for which Ill be using Excel, Mozilla and Chrome.

Is there any way to make the automation stop if any of these programs present a problem or stop running (Not Responding status).

I want the program to stop any time this happens.
How to check if Chrome is responding?
Thank you,
Cami :slight_smile:

yah That’s absolutely possible
Keep the individual sequence ran in all these browser inside a TRY block of aTry Catch activity
If any exception occurs it will go to CATCH block of that respective TRY CATCH activity where use TERMINATE WORKFLOW activity

Cheers @CamiCat

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Thank you @Palaniyappan,

Try and let you know.
Is it possible to set a boolean like this:
if(Process.GetProcessesByName(“chrome”)(0).Responding = True

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Hi @CamiCat

Do one thing check the chrome extension is installed and then for the automation process use try catch as @Palaniyappan said include element exists for each field and try to the manipulations


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Yah it would
But I have to try once before telling
Is that Responding is a property for that GetProcessByName method

Cheers @CamiCat

Thank you so much @Palaniyappan.
Have you tried this property?
Cami :slight_smile:

No buddy yet to…
Did that above method with uipath activities helped us in this
Cheers @CamiCat

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