Check attributes on SAP panel checkbox


I am trying to build work flow on SAP.I want to check whether a checkbox is checked or not.If its not checked, robot should click. The issue is the checkbox is inside a panel and UiPath select the checkbox control.I can use Click text and use offset to click on the checkbox.But before doing it I have to check whether the checkbox is unchecked. Is there a way that I can use getAttribute on this checkbox or what should be the alternative?



You can use Get Attribute activity or Elements Exists activity and indicate that element. If it is unchecked then use Click activity to check it else skip it.


Hi @Asiri

Use Get attribute activity based on aastate property
then based on the condition use click activity

Ashwin S

Hi Lakshman,

Thanks for the reply.I can use that if the checkbox is directly accessible. But the problem is its inside a panel and in recording mode, the panel is selectable not any controls inside.

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Hi AshwinS2,

Thanks for the reply.I can use that if the checkbox is directly accessible. But the problem is its inside a panel and in recording mode, the panel is selectable not any controls inside.


Could you please give it a try with Computer Vision activities once and check it.